Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cafe Press is Convenient AND Entertaining!

Ever heard of  Well, if you haven't- lemme tell ya- not only can you find some great gift ideas, you will be thoroughly entertained in the process...For example:

For the farmer in you:
To show off:

If I ever get pregnant with twins- I must have this:

For the teachers out there:

As a public service:

And I FELL in LOVE with this one:

Weiser is only part, but he still is a Weimaraner!  Happy to call myself a Weimaraner Mom <3

I just went through the site again, and I was entertained for HOURS!  Thank goodness they have ways to narrow your search because there is more merchandise than you will know what to do with!  I also bookmarked LOTS of gift possibilities, so my Christmas shopping should be a little easier ;)

Sweet Dreams, y'all!

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