Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordish Wednesday: Weekend Recap!

I could not have asked for a better weekend of quality time with my husband.  I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible because he is now in the field for nine days, and that's exactly what I got <3

Saturday we made it to Elitch Gardens in Denver, despite the chilly start to the day.

 After which, we were ravished- so we went to the Taste of Colorado festival.  It was AWESOME and we got to see parts of Denver that we hadn't seen.

Our friend Buck kept asking us to go to this restaurant called The Buckhorn Exchange, so we obliged-not realizing that we were NOT dressed for the occasion.  I, at least, had changed into jeans, but the boys were still in bathing suits.  They ate $50 steaks in swim trunks...I'm not making this up...

See? Swim trunks!:

We had big plans for Sunday, but then decided that a lovely day of relaxation and cuddling on the couch seemed much more appropriate after our crazy day Saturday.  Plus- that allowed us to be fully prepared for Zip-lining on Monday!

 Yup, that's a pic of a pic because I wasn't paying $25 for it... #ripoff.

I don't know what to do with myself whenever he is gone...I guess I'll spend QT with the pup, try to get some things done around the house, get all my errands out of the way and work extra shifts....
Puppy time=yes, everything else- notsomuch.

In case y'all want to check out The Buckhorn Exchange, visit their website and don't be afraid of the pop up that says that they are out of Rattlesnake for the time being...A) The pop up won't actually bite you and B) they have plenty of awesome food to make up for not having Rattlesnake right now.

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