Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dani's Graduating!

I am so proud of one of my bestest-est friends, and I apologize- but I have to brag on her ;)  
Today, she is graduating from her Vascular Sonography Program at Nova Southeastern University, which makes her kind of a big deal!

Through college and sorority days to spring breaks and heart breaks- we have been there for each other.  We have such an unassuming friendship that knows not of hate, unfairness or jealousy and has only grown stronger since we have been separated by thousands of miles.  Well, maybe not stronger, but it's enabled me to see how unyielding our friendship is despite the conditions.

In a nut shell:
She's the cheese to my mac, the mint to my chocolate and the whipped cream that tops my strawberries!
I hope that you all have a best friend that is half as good as she has become <3


  1. Congratulations to your friend. :-)

  2. Thanks! She had a fabulous weekend, so she is happy!!

  3. This is so sweet! I do NOT have a best friend like that and am extremely jealous! I think it is so important to have a great friend, glad you found that person for you!



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