Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independce Day/Vacay Check-In

While you are reading this, I am in Florida! (See previous post.)  But rest assured I have scheduled a few posts, so that I am here in spirit :)  I may even check in if I manage to find some computer time- not making any promises, though!


Hope you all are having an AWESOME 4th of July!  I will be traveling all day, so no big celebrations for us, but we will make up for it this week.  Dontcha' just love Betty Boop?

Last week I got to do a Patriotic-4th of July inspired photo shoot, and I guess today is an appropriate day to show em off! So here are a few more of the shots:

It was so fun and I hope you like them ;P 

God Bless The USA, and more importantly-bless those who fight for our freedom everyday...

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