Sunday, June 12, 2011

No Food=Grumpy Me

I wish I was eating this:

But instead- I'm going to bed before 9pm, to stop myself from eating anything (I can't even chew gum).  Why would I want to stop myfelf from eating, you ask?  Well, its doctor ordered. That's why.  I'm undergoing some minor tests tomorrow, and apparently I must be tortured prepared first, by fasting for 15 hours.  Just the THOUGHT of fasting has had me in a bad mood all day, and then on top of that- I have to spend 4 hours in the hospital BY MYSELF because my husband is going 4wheelin'.  He's gonna owe me BIG TIME for this.  Alright, well nighty-night.  I have to be up at 5:30, so it's off to slumberland for me!


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment!

    hope everything's ok, and the doctor's went well....

  2. Now I'm hungry! I should go to bed too. Hope everything goes well!

  3. Thanks lovely ladies!! All is good so far!


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