Thursday, June 23, 2011

My In-town Vacation!

Daddy and Marc have been here since Monday and it has been AMAZING! Not only is it great to see them, but I have been off since Sunday and we've been exploring all of The Springs!  We have gotten to do soooo many neat things that I haven't done yet and have had some major bonding!  So far we have been to:
(Fun Center doesn't begin to cover it)

 (only zoo on a mountain)

(or BUST!)

I can't wait to recap all of those adventures, but there are still more that lie ahead! They only have one day left, but we plan to make the most of it with:

(crazy rock formations)

(cutest/most unique little town)

(food, shoppping, history and fun!)

Let's just hope we can squeeze it all in...It's gonna be a looong GREAT day!
Miss you all!

1 comment:

I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!