It takes two-minutes to throw together (if your eggs are pre- hard boiled like mine are because my husband LOVES them) and is so filling, yummy and savory!
Step 1:
Boil some eggs.
If you are not well versed in egg-boiling or just want to make it a no-brainer, then pick up one of those little beauts' and you will have eggs just the way YOU like them. Personally, I like them every way, but one good option for this salad, to make it even lighter, is to scrape the yoke out and feed it to your husband or disposal to save yourself 50-100 calories, depending on how many eggs you use.
Step 2:
Once your eggs are cooked, pop two pieces of bacon in to cook. I highly suggest this bacon:
And yes I know turkey bacon usually isn't that good, but this is tofu, so they have added a very nice flavor to it, and it has the perfect crunch!
(plus it's only 20 calories/slice!)
Step 3:
Clean some vibrant spinach, throw in some chopped onion (I prefer red), your sliced egg, the cripy bacon and whatever else strikes your fancy.
Step 4:
Spoon some Course-ground Dijon Mustard and add Red Wine Vinegar to taste (basically, just make sure it's all evenly coated)
And you'll end up with something like this:
How yummy does that look? This is the simplest version, but I've also prepared it with shrimp (my fave), chicken, tofu, steak, etc....Throw in some pine nuts, seeds or even cranberries and you'll still come up with a fabulous salad!
Unfortunately I'm not an egg person but the rest of it looks fabulous - and I love the mustard & red wine dressing! Lovely photos and great blog.