Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Fairytale...Chapter 3

The week of our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY has arrived!! Hope you are as excited as I am!  I am dedicating this week on my blog to this important celebration, so it's going to be ALL LOVE, ALL WEEK! Exciting right?

          Last time I left off where Will and I had just gotten back together.  Neither of us found the grass to be greener on the other side (It never is you know) and speaking for my self, I did not feel complete without him in my life anymore.  He was the one that made it all make sense and gave my future a purpose.  Mind you now, we hadn’t seen each other since October, which meant that seeing each other face to face was going to be the final test....I wondered how things were going to be when we were reunited; were we still going to have that spark? 

           I’m not going to lie, I was nervous all the way up till I picked him up at the airport in February.  But when I was enveloped in his arms, I realized that our feelings were even stronger than they had been before.  It was as if we were finally on the same page at the right place and the right time and all the puzzle pieces found they’re homes in our hearts.  At the close of the first year of our relationship, we knew that this was only the beginning of the rest of our lives…


<3 So Utterly Enveloped In Each Other <3

          We also knew, that it was time to get rid of all the distance between us.  He asked me to move to Maine, but that did not sound appealing at all.  He still didn't want to be back in South Florida, so the next idea was that we meet in the middle in Virginia where his family was.  As much as I did NOT want to leave Florida, I knew that if I was going to be with the man for the rest of my life, I would have to start compromising.  That was a huge step for me by the way, since I never would have compromised in previous relationships.  It's amazing how things change within you when you truly devote yourself to another being.  For the first time in my life, it wasn't just about was about us. 

The summer of 2009, I packed my little life up and moved all the way to Virginia...

Will's beautiful house!!  where we stayed in VA for our first Vacation!

I definately could not complain about our new digs.

          This is where we spent the next Nine months of our relationship and up until this point it ,was the best nine months of my life.  We were in an amazing place and were truly enjoying devoting ourselves to each other, growing together, developing plans for our life and the best part was that we knew it was only going to get better. 

A lot happened while we were in VA, so here is a photo synopsis of those nine months.

Will had surgery on his foot :(

...and the after bahhah

Many fun visits to Busch Gardens.
Gotta love season passes.

Got a lil Captain in ya?

Lovely dinners with our swanky friends.

our new show debuts this fall! haha

Fun outdoor activities.
But don't think I play golf...I'm just his favorite bystander.

look at that form ;)

First time we wore matching Costumes.
Halloween is my birthday, so he played along.

our swords we're real...prob not the best idea...

{I made those costumes, by the way...pleats and all!}

Our first official Christmas together.


I Gave Will his first Camo-themed Surprise Party.
First surprise party ever, as a matter of fact!

and the group shot!!

My first time living where there is snow...brr.


And lots of bonding with my Inlaws, because that is necessary pre-nuptials.

This one is shots with my mother-in-law!!

down the hatch!

Bringing in New Years with the rest of the In-laws!


AND my final and favorite picture that encompasses how I feel about that year:


Our last-first New Years Kiss...
Can't believe I have the pleasure of kissing him every New Year's for the rest of our Lives <3

         During this period, we also began preparing for Will to enlist.  That was a whole process in itself.  I'm so thankful that he included me in all his decisions and we were able to choose a good M.O.S (his job) and that we took our time, so that neither of us felt rushed or that we were making any wrong decisions.  Once everything was in place and the paperwork was all signed, we decided to go back to Florida for a bit.  I wanted to be in Florida while he was in basic training and I also wanted him to be able to relax and have a "vacation" before he gave his life to the Army.

Yet again, we packed OUR lil life up and moved back to Florida!


Still can't complain.

          This was in February of 2010, which ended up being a very good month and as a matter of fact- 2010 ended up being a very good year...Wanna know why? Well, your just gonna have to come back to find out ;)  So sorry to do it to you, but what happens next deserves it's very own post!


  1. You are so sweet! I can just tell how much you two love each other. Congratulations on your first year together, may there be many, many more:)

  2. Aww Thanks!! I really apprectiate the support and i hope there are many, many more as well!

  3. Awwww - this is SO sweet!
    BTW - he looks great in a kilt... ;)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!