Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Soldier!

It has only been nine months since Will joined the Army.

He makes me so proud

But I feel like he's come farther in nine months than many can hope to accomplish in nine a few years.

With the College years he had under his belt he started off as PFC (Private First Class) Bogert, which was a higher rank than most of his peers.  He made it through basic, A.I.T. (Advanced Individual Training) and our move to our first duty station, shining with high test scores, high P.T. (Physical Test) Scores and even simply how surprised they were with his life skills, money management and drive. 

Here is a short picture synopsis of the past Nine Months:

they break you down, so they can build you up their way...

In the field at Basic.

love this...

LOTS of running. Good thing he's a soccer player and is used to running.

be vewy qwiet we're hunting wabbits...ssshhhh

Also lots of playing with guns...I hear that might be important, although I wish it wasn't.


He was the only Soldier that was allowed to be Guidon Carrier for all of Basic Training!  
Usually the Sargent fires them ;)

At the real graduation!!

Reunited at Graduation!!  His uniform is so big because of all the PT!!

Graduating from A.I.T <3

With some of our faves!  They're all big soldiers now.

He already looks the part ;) My Soldier

He never ceases to amaze me...I could not be more proud and can't wait to see what our future holds together.  My dad says that I picked my perfect match and I must say, that I agree.  Couldn't be any happier with our life <3


  1. Congrats to you and your soldier!

    You've chosen a winner!!!

  2. congrats to your hubby (and you!) he does sound like an awesome guy! :-)

  3. Thanks y'all!! He's my everything!

  4. Aw I loved reading all this about your solider! My boyfriends in the Marines and just graduated boot in May.. couldn't be more proud of him. I read your whole story about your wedding and everything.. love it all. you guys are too cute! :)

  5. Love this! I'm an Army wife also (married into it, so I missed the whole basic part)!

  6. This is the perfect summary of how I feel about my marine. Especially the fact I swore I'd never marry one... did.

    Nearly died laughing at the Gun part.
    Us, silly, silly girls.
    The military must think us wives are so ridiculous.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!