Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Unfortunately, I am alone on V-Day...Whomp, Whomp.
The good news is that this is only physically, since my husband is always in my heart <3  Weiser is also keeping me company and I had a blast with the girls at work eating cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries, passing out Valentine's and enjoying the spirit of the day.

Will and I had thought about celebrating before he left, but decided that we've had plenty of celebrations lately and it might be nice to space them out by saving this one until his return.  What's funny is that we both somewhat ignored this promise of saving the holiday.  I hid a card and candy in his rucksack and he had flowers delivered to me in a gorgeous vase.  Great minds think alike, I guess ;)
Now I'm looking forward to our real celebration EVEN MORE!!! I miss him so....

Happy Valentine's Day, my dears!

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