Friday, January 28, 2011

The Hubs had a Birthday!

Last Saturday was Will's 26th BIRTHDAY!! 

 Initially we didn't have big plans and were happy to do a romantic dinner and just relax, but miraculously we started making new friends and a whole Birthday extravaganza was born!  In a nut shell, two girlies from work, Erin and Grace, bought decorations, planned a party, got a card for everyone to sign and gave us one of the best nights we have had in Colorado so far.  We were both a little rundown the next day, but boy was it worth it!

After a few days of recouperation, we continued the celebration into the next week by going to the Coors brewery in Golden, dinner at Benihana's in Denver and a hike out at Red Rock followed by pizza at Costco! (he loves getting pizza after shopping there ;)  It's been such a blast and so nice to spend time togetha'...
Here is a short recap in pics:


so fun, free tour and FREE BEER!



I'll put up the Red Rock pictures next time. They deserver there own post!! Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you guys are soooo cute:) Happy Birthday Will!!! You both radiate happiness:) <3


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