Friday, December 17, 2010

I felt the need to become a blogger!

Hello world!
I might be silly to have stated "blogging".   I'm sure most people do not care what lil' ole me has to say, but you know what? I'm gonna say it anyways!  We are in a new town, a new state, new jobs, with no family, no friends and so many changes going on-but no one to share them with.  Phone calls, texts,emails and facebook are just not enough for me to release everything that is going on inside.  Luckily, so far it's all good stuff and a lot of it is knowledge and lessons that I am learning everyday, and I just hope at least a few of you will find my posts interesting, funny, informative or at least somewhat entertaining ;)  Please forgive me ahead of time if I do not always proofread enough or make a mistake here and there, but I will not apologize for my content, as this is my thoughts and opinions.  If you don't like them, then don't read them.  I hold my tongue in other venues, but not here.  This is meant to be my outlet and I do not intend to censor myself if I feel I must rant or rave about one thing or another.  I most likely will do it in a sarcastic, funny or informative way, but you never know how someone will perceive it...which also explains the title of my blog: "Perception Is Everything"  What I mean by that, is a lesson I have only recently learned, that every single person is going to perceive the world completely differently and there is not a single person that is more wrong or right than another.  I had to realize that there is no such thing as black and white, cut and dry, good and evil or even true simplicity.  Life is complex, the world is complex, we are complex.  It's scary to understand how unstable that makes us as a whole, but it's also what allows us to grow, learn, adapt and thrive.  That's what makes Will and I such a great team.  When we bring our differing perspectives to the  table, we can learn from each other, entertain ourselves for days, create awesome recipes, solve any issue, plot any plan of attack needed and pretty much rule the world ;)  I do hope you might leave your perspectives for me every now and then, but please leave your negativitiy behind.  I don't mind constructive criticism, but if you're an ass, I'll treat you like an ass! haha
Talk to you again soon I hope!


  1. Awww how cute! This should be a fun read if you maintain it often...

    Looking forward to reading your adventures in life

  2. Well...I think it will not take long for the community, lead by a few individuals, to begin making connections. And, its Christmas Time, The Holidays! You've probably always been at home with your family during this time instead of trying to get settled. I'll be checking in on ya. You'll do just fine. Are you flying to Pensacola for Christmas?

  3. No P'cola unfortunately :( we r just getting settled, but April/May we will definately be home!! Thanks for the support y'all!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!